
In order to install Cell Journey, it is recommended to create a virtual environment in which all the required dependencies can be installed. The installation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Download Cell Journey.
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment.
  3. Install dependencies.
  4. Run the main script.

1. Download Cell Journey

To download Cell Journey, execute the following command:

git clone

or go to, click on the <> Code button, and then select Download ZIP. After downloading and extracting the archive, navigate to the Cell Journey's main directory.

2. Create and activate virtual environment

You can create a virtual environment using venv or conda. Using conda is recommended as it provides a more convenient way of configuring specific python version, in this case 3.11.7.


python -m venv cjenv
source cjenv/bin/activate


conda create --name cjenv python=3.11.7
conda activate cjenv

3. Install dependencies

Cell Journey is based on many libraries that are necessary for the toolkit to run correctly. These dependencies can be installed using the command

pip install -r /path/to/celljourney/requirements.txt

Please replace the example path /path/to/celljourney/ with one corresponding to your system's Cell Journey location. Remember to install the dependencies after activating the virtual environment.

4. Run the main script

To run Cell Journey, you need to run the python script

python /path/to/celljourney/

Wait for the following information to show Dash is running on and then navigate to

Cell Journey's default port is 8080. If, for some reason, the user would like to work on a different one, run the script with an additional port parameter, such as

python --port 8081

If the default or user-designated port is already occupied, the program will not run. If the user wants to run several Cell Journey sessions simultaneously, a different port should be designated for each session.

To terminate the program, you must abort the script. This can be done in the shell where the script was run using the ctrl+c key combination.